Sunday, February 28, 2010

Say "NO" to B T Brinjal

We have been discussing about BT bringal for quite a few days now. The latest breaking news is that former Monsanto MD says no to BT Brinjal. Scientists in huje majority asking for a ban on BT Brinjal now. Now, the former Monsanto India Managing Director Mr. T.V. Jagdishan joined them. Plans for introducing BT Brinjal in India was oposed from the very begining itself by Green Peace India. People joined them in tons to protest in every part of the country.

No one is aganist the advancement of biotechnology. At the same time authorities has to ensure that the recent devolopment should not interfere with the biological chain as well as the biodiversity of the world. More over, before going for farming, it should be tested properly and assurance has to be made that it is safe. But here, the Government of India is trying to make India a lab to test Monsanto's newly devoloped BT Brinjal. While discussing BT Brinjal, we should extend our discussion to BT Cotton which made the life of farmers more misserable.

Now we should ensure that a moratorium will not lead to the back door entry of BT Brinjal or the other 55 food crops in different stages of trial in the country. Stringent monitoring measures should be put immediately in place to ensure that no releases of GM crops happen and a strong message should be sent out by making the GM devolopers liable for accidental or illegal releases. Moratorium is a good step towards charting the path of sustainable agriculture and food security for our country.

Inveiw of the recent negative growth of our agriculture sector, we could no longer allow anyone to handicap our agriculture sector. Now Science and Technology minister Mr. Prithviraj Chavan is trying to change the rule of the game. He infact copied word by word from studies by biotech seed companies including Monsanto. He is presenting and undemocratic GM bill to ease the legalisation of BT Brinjal, rice and more crops which may affect the agricultural sector in India.

So please sign the pettition here: http"// to join the others already on the move and try to educate the society about the dangers of GM food.

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